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High-Level MarketStudy on Nature-based Solutions in Coastal Kenya Land and Seascape

We are excited to share with you this High-level Market Study on Nature-based Solutions in Coastal Kenya Land and Seascape. The report provides valuable insights into the potential for nature-based solutions in coastal Kenya.

As part of the four-year Triple Benefit Project - Land to Sea (TBP-L2S), supported by WWF-Kenya and Danida Funding from Denmark, Pangea Accelerator conducted an extensive market study in the Southern Swamp of the Lamu Seascape and Mida Creek in Watamu. 

The primary goal was to explore the intricate web of stakeholders involved in implementing Nature-based Solutions (NbS), with a particular emphasis on mangrove protection, conservation, and restoration. 

The study aimed to uncover the benefits and potential revenue streams linked to mangrove conservation and restoration while formulating strategies to fully realize these initiatives.

Furthermore, the report identifies promising funding opportunities that can expedite the progress of these initiatives, advancing the cause of Nature-based Solutions and conservation in the Coastal Kenya Landscape.
High-Level Market Study on Nature-based Solutions in Coastal Kenya Land and Seascape
© WWF-Kenya
High-Level Market Study on Nature-based Solutions in Coastal Kenya Land and Seascape