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Black Rhino Conservation
© © naturepl.com / Mark Carwardine / WWF

WWF launched an international effort to save wildlife in 1961, rescuing black rhinos among many other species from the brink of extinction.

This area of focus supports black rhino conservation in all black rhino conservation sites in Kenya.These include; state, county, community and private lands.

The black rhino conservation project is designed to deliver WWF’s African Rhino Action Plan and the Kenya Wildlife Service Black Rhino Conservation and Management Strategy. Rhino conservation will be delivered through application of a holistic approach to law enforcement such as, zero poaching framework, best practice biological management and effective monitoring. All these approaches are backed up by appropriate capacity building and an enabling policy framework.

Working as a team, WWF-Kenya, Kenya Wildlife Service and Narok County Government in the Maasai Mara, place transmitters on 40 Black Rhinos to monitor their movements and enhance their protection.