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Exploring Partnerships in Coastal Kenya to Upscale Nature-Based Solutions
In the face of climate change, nature-based solutions (NbS) are vital to building resilience in communities and landscapes. The ASI Programme brought together potential partners, ICEA Lion Group and Impact Infrastructure Commission, for a three-day field visit to identify and co-create nature-based solutions.
After the field visit, the ASI (Kenya) team settled on Dabaso Creek Conservation Group, a Kilifi-based community-based organization (CBO). The CBO’s business model is tied to environmental conservation and is incorporating grass root approaches to achieve both social and environmental goals. Through funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the group will receive training and financial support from WWF-Kenya and other partners to pilot NbS activities.
A landscape overview of Crab Shack, a project by the Dabaso Creek Conservation Group in Kilifi County. PHOTO: Crab Shack.