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The Woman who never gave up on Gogoni Forest

Twice every week I visit our tree nursery bed at Gogoni without fail. I have been doing this for 22 years now. I am a member of the Gogoni Forest Conservation group.

I am and will forever be grateful to this group for the knowledge I have gained and the benefits I have since experienced. When  joined the group during its inception in 1997, I did not have any experience in tree nursery establishment and care. The support and training that I have gained over time is invaluable. I can now comfortably nature a seed to its maturity.

I am a widow and unemployed, putting food on the table and educating my children is tough. Apart from the odd jobs I take  up in addition to subsistence farming, I have always banked on the success of our forest conservation group. At the beginning of the project, just like my other colleagues, I had thought of quitting the group. There were no substantial sale of the tree seedlings up until we switched gears to indigenous seedlings. Our fortunes are however, slowly and steadily changing.

Our Biggest breakthrough has been this year - 2019. For the first time in the history of our forest group, we got to sell more than three thousand tree seedlings at one go. Through our leadership, we agreed to save a substantial amount and split the balance amongst ourselves. The savings will help us to expand our tree nursery bed business.
I used part of the money I received to pay school fees for my children. I am happy this is happening now because one of my sons will start his higher education in the year 2020. There is no doubt about the value of trees. Trees provide us with edible healthy fruits. In addition they clean the air we breathe and also prevent soil erosion. I shall endeavor to plant and grow as many trees as I can as well as spread the message of tree growing to my children and everyone.” Mbuche Martin Nyamawe - Founding member of Gogoni Forest Conservation Group
Mbuche Martin Nyamawe is a founding member of Gogoni Forest Conservation Group who are one of the key beneficiaries of WWF-Kenya’s Public-Private-People Partnerships Project to save Coastal Kenya Forests.

This project is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.
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