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Forest Yetu

Forest Yetu: Unless We Embrace Them, We Will Never Save Them!

‘Forest Yetu’ loosely translated - ‘Our Forest’,  are two sheng (Swahili-English slang) words  that not only underpin our collective responsibility,  in  forest conservation,  but the power of togetherness for the benefit of  nature and people. 


Our inaugural bi-annual newsletter ‘Forest Yetu’ takes you deep into the heart of what were once Kenya’s magnificent forest blocks, in Kwale county, but now remain bare or threatened by human activities. The stories of individuals and communities who have stood up and spoke up for trees when chainsaws ‘silenced’ them, believed in the value of trees when no one else around them did, or adopted sustainable practices as a move to save forests, reaffirms that, averting climate change needs a committed and determined movement.  

The buck indeed stops with us, we are the custodians and the generation which will reverse forest loss.  


If I don’t plant and grow a tree, who will? 


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Forest Yetu
Forest Yetu