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WWF-Kenya's work on Forests
© wwf-kenya

WWF Kenya works with communities, national and county governments and other partners

Planting indigenous trees along the riverbanks helps to combat soil erosion.
© Kate Holt/WWF-UK
A Healthy Natural Environment Supporting People and Growth in Kenya is WWF-Kenya’s Vision.  To realise this, WWF-Kenya in partnership with national government, county government, state agencies including Kenya Forest Service include (KFS) among other partners has been championing for sustainable use and conservation of the critical forest resources.  This we have managed to achieve through strategically supporting key policies which drives the sector; reframing the opinions between commercial forestry and environmental stewardship; and ensuring that public participation and ownership in natural resource management harnessed.   
Our work in forest management is aimed at averting the worrying trend towards rapid forest encroachment, unsustainable utilization of forest resources, deteriorating river water quality, disruption of flow regimes in river and skewed distribution of benefits.
In Kenya our forest resources management initiatives target some of the most biodiversity-rich forests, including forests that also act as water towers for important downstream water users, and some forests that are critical cultural/sacred sites to indigenous communities in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems